Mike Kungl

Mike Kungl is an American painter of Disney Fine Art[1] who has also worked as a graphic designer on many multinational advertising campaigns for companies like Panasonic, Johnson & Johnson, Toshiba, Sony, Warner Bros. Television and Bank of America.[2]


Kungl has come a long way since when he used to "use the family sofa as his canvas and his mother's lipstick as his paint," but even then he knew he wanted to be an artist.[3] Nowadays, he paints on canvas and admits to spending an inordinate amount of time designing the piece before actually beginning to paint it. So therefore, it is a prerequisite that he be very much excited about whatever it is he's working on:

I strive to produce work that I'm personally going to have fun designing and painting...when it's complete, my goal is having the audience be just as entertained looking at it as I was creating it.[4]

He also uses chrome and metallic elements to lend his paintings a certain Art Deco feel. He has mastered this technique so well that in 2002, Kungl was given the honor of creating the official artwork for Miami Beach's 25th Annual Art Deco Weekend.[5]


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